Fredericksburg PD Visits Heritage | Sept 15, 2023
Grammar School students got a visit from FPD officers, who gave them a tour of their police cruiser, and showed them some seriously cool equipment.
Heritage School Donates Eisbahn Earnings | July 17, 2023

Students from Heritage School presented a check to the Hill Country Community Needs Council on Thursday for a percentage of its proceeds from the Eisbahn skating rink; Executive Director Cindy Heifner accepted the check on behalf of the Needs Council. A total of $5,237 was donated to both the Needs Council and the Lifeline Foundation, which supports cystic fibrosis research. Each year, proceeds from the Eisbahn skating rink support Heritage School Tuition Assistance programs and two nonprofit or charity organizations. This year, Eisbahn will run from November 18, 2023 to January 3, 2024.