All Heritage students participate in service projects, both on and off campus. On campus, students in high school sit with the youngest students during the monthly all-school Chapel services, modeling appropriate worship and participation. All students participate in daily maintenance chores and major clean-up several times a year. Many classes participate in planting and maintaining flower beds.
Heritage School also values service to the community at large, believing that loving and generous service is a natural outgrowth of Christian love. Older students frequently give their own lunch time to read with young students in other schools to encourage their love for books. Grammar school students write letters to soldiers on active duty, and make Valentine cards for patients and visit at the local hospitals and V.A. hospital. Students also visit nursing homes and sing for nursing home and retirement centers; they participate in food and clothing drives and collecting for the needy as well as for those stricken with disease or disaster.
On Martin Luther King Day, students and faculty gather for a brief assembly to learn about Dr. King’s selfless Christianity, and then students in each level disburse to do a half day of service to the school or community. During the summer, high school students (and alumni) may participate in our Local Missions Week, an experience that simulates the traditional missions trip, though the focus is on serving in and around our community. Students camp out at a nearby ranch on the Pedernales River and spend each day serving at the Boys and Girls Club or partnering with the Needs Council in working on local projects, hosting a community-wide VBS here at Heritage each evening. Through these and many other actions, Heritage students grow in character as they serve others.